Psalmody, a journey through the book of Psalms with Anne Mileur
Psalm, Chapter Two - “The Messiah’s Triumph and Kingdom”
Did you realize that the plan of salvation is found in the Book of Psalms? In just twelve verses, chapter two takes the reader from mankind's depravity to the prophecy and promise of the coming Messiah.
The Rebellion;
Verses 1-5 describe mankind’s revolt. The defiance against the Lord's authority kindles His anger. Even today, the rebellion continues. These verses serve as a warning to us.
The Prophecy:
Verses 6-9 introduce the King of Kings, God’s begotten Son. At that time, and to the Israelites, these words were prophecy. But for us, now, we know the promise is Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
In these verses, Peter said in Acts 1:16, “The Scriptures had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through David…” For more evidence of the fulfillment of this prophecy, see Matt 3:17, Acts 4:25,26 and 13:33, Heb 1:5 and 5:5.
The Plan:
Verses 10-12: The Lord is a God of wrath, but He is also a God of mercy and grace and offers the way of redemption. The message to the kings in David’s time is the same as it is for us now, either refuse to submit and perish or trust the Lord and be blessed.
Just a thought:
Our disbelief and disobedience do not diminish God. He was then and always will be the Sovereign King.
Our way leads to self and eternal death. God’s way leads us to Him and eternal life.
Psalm 2:11 instructs us, “Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.”
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15
anne mileur